Posts Grid/List WordPress Block

Custom Post Type WordPress Block is a one-of-a-kind Gutenberg block for automatically sourced WordPress posts, pages and custom post types that can be showcased in a grid, list or custom view. There is a ton of layout and styles settings to build a custom look.

List layout, with pagination

A Practice For Deeper Calm

We offer this simple practice to help you find the calm that comes from relaxing mind and body.

Self-Massage: Reduce Anxiety, Support Immunity

According to Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine of India, massaging your body with warm, pure oils promotes detoxification and stimulates circulation in the lymphatic system, a key component of the immune system. It also calms the nervous system to support health and healing. And it moisturizes the skin.

Grid layout, two columns, without pagination

The Amazing Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy isn’t a new practice and has evolved over thousands of years, as part of medical practice.

Increase Flexibility with Therapeutic Massage

You do not have to be an athlete to realize that being flexible is a necessary part of life. Think about the aches and pains and the grunts and moans as you live your life. If it seems that these grunts and groans are coming more and more often, you might want to think about […]

What To Expect Before Your First Massage

Today is the day! You’re ready for your massage.. But it’s your first time and you aren’t sure what to expect. What do you wear? Do you have to talk? How do you prepare? What should you expect? In order to get the best, most relaxing experience, we’re answering all your questions.

5 Tips To Manage Stress

Our state of mind has a powerful effect on our physical well-being. Stress can deplete our energy reserves and lower our immunity.

What To Tell Your Massage Therapist

Before you book your session, check over therapeutic modalities to see which best suits your needs. Are you seeking deep release in painful muscles, or gentle touch to calm body and mind? Are you wanting to support healing an injury, or ease stiffened joints? Our front desk staff can help if you have questions.

The Types of Massage and Benefits of Each

Massage therapy offers incredible benefits ranging from blissful relaxation to pain management. But those who are new to the world of bodywork are often overwhelmed once they see how many different types of massages there are. If you’re wondering which kind is right for you, you’ve come to the right place.