The smoothie diet involves the regular preparation of vegetable and fruit low-calorie smoothies. These drinks quickly satisfy hunger, they should not be taken as an addition to the usual food, but as a substitution for the main dish. It’s easy to cook them: just grind the components in a blender. You can combine various combinations of products, add mineral water, milk products etc.
You can find many positive reviews about smoothies for weight loss and body cleansing. This is a good option for holding fasting days: thick vegetable and fruit shakes do not burden the gastrointestinal tract and activate the intestines. They create a feeling of lightness and relieve heaviness in the stomach. You can list a few more advantages:
- pronounced detox effect. The diet on various smoothies helps to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, it helps to improve the body;
- there is no sharp feeling of hunger. Thick drinks are consumed in small portions at least 4 times a day: as a result, they provide constant saturation, although the body receives a minimum of calories;

Due to these advantages of smoothies, they are perfect for weight loss. This method allows you to gradually get rid of extra pounds, without causing harm to health.
Well, never tried myself but is seems to be very useful for our bodies. Will try it, thanks.
I do believe that it has useful effect for us but it should be done in cetain periods.