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elcome to our miscellaneous and exclusive shop where we’ve gathered products of the highest quality. Each single item has a full description and characteristics so that you surely know what you order. Without further ado, let’s start doing shopping and dive into the world of Frurra Verde!
Iowa chop
Original price was: $7.00.$5.25Current price is: $5.25.The cultivation area of blueberries is the temperate and cold zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Blueberry bushes are extremely tenacious – their age can reach 100 years. The size of the berries is about 1.2 cm. They have a dark blue color with smoky spraying. Blueberries are actively used both in cooking and in pharmacology.
Original price was: $7.00.$5.25Current price is: $5.25.Jamon serrano
Original price was: $4.00.$2.75Current price is: $2.75.Wild blackcurrant is found throughout Eurasia. Currants were brought to North America and today are widely spread there. In the Акгееф Мукву online store, you will find a large assortment of currants, and fast home delivery will not keep you waiting!
Original price was: $4.00.$2.75Current price is: $2.75.Loin chop
Original price was: $5.00.$4.50Current price is: $4.50.Watermelon is the name of the sort of plants and their fruits which are native to South Africa. Watermelon began to spread from Egypt, where, according to ancient sources, it was cultivated already in the 20th century BC.
Original price was: $5.00.$4.50Current price is: $4.50.Plant meat
$6.00Pears are very popular and sweet fruits that you can mostly find in the certain harvest season. They contain more fructose than glucose, so they taste much sweeter than apples. Despite this, they contain less sugar and they do not increase appetite.
$7.00Pineapples are sweet and juicy fruits used both in desserts and in salty dishes. Perfect and traditional is the combination of pineapple with chicken, salads with chicken meat and pineapple, baked chicken with pineapple etc. However, pineapple is widely used with any other type of meat. Pineapple is also used as the basis for the cooking of various sauces.
$7.00Rabbit fillet
$5.00The apricot tree is a subspecies of plum trees, and they are very similar in many respects. Apricot fruits contain on big seed, have yellow-red colour, and have various sizes and shapes. Fruits of apricot have rather juicy flesh and a sweet and sour or very sweet taste. In many ways, the size and palatability of apricots depend on the place where they grew.
$5.00Ribeye filet
Original price was: $2.50.$1.75Current price is: $1.75.There are two types of bananas – sweet and sycamore. The first type is consumed raw or added to desserts. Platano requires preliminary heat treatment and are the basis of salty dishes. On Frutta Verge online store website, only the freshest and most delicious bananas are available, fast delivery will save you from the hassle associated with their purchase.
Original price was: $2.50.$1.75Current price is: $1.75.Salmon fillet
Original price was: $3.00.$1.75Current price is: $1.75.Cherry belongs to the plum family, it is a small tree or shrub with stone berries. The most famous species is “bird cherry” or the so-called sweet cherry, that is very loved in all of Europe. The first cherry trees came to the territory of Rome from Asia.
Original price was: $3.00.$1.75Current price is: $1.75.Seafood cocktail
$6.00Limes are used fresh for the making of alcoholic (gin and tonic, margarita, mojito and others) and soft drinks. It is dried, used in the manufacture of preserves and jams. In cooking, the widespread use of lime is explained by its refreshing sour taste and aroma – it is a frequent ingredient in sorbets and ice cream.
$6.00Wild dorado
$6.00Garlic is a popular vegetable crop. Now garlic is widely spread throughout the world. It is difficult to overestimate its importance in cooking and medicine. Garlic is actively used on an industrial scale, as a seasoning in sausages, meat products, in seasoning mixtures, sauces, etc.